Thursday, February 12, 2015

How to Restart a fastload job?

The Restart process depends upon the phase in which the fastload job has failed.
Fast load has two phases - PHase1(acquisition phase) and Phase 2(application phase).

1) If the job fails in 1st phase and you want to continue the job after fixing the issue then you need to resubmit the job and it will start from last check point.

2) If job fails in 1st phase and we dont want to continue and just need to release lock then just submit the END LOADING statement or DROP-CREATE the table.

3) If job fails in 2nd phase and you want to continue the job then resubmit the job and it will continue loading data.

4) If the job fails in 2nd phase and we don't want to continue then we dont have option of submitting 'END LOADING'. Only way out is to DROP and RECREATE the table.

Dropping and recreating the table should not be an issue as fast load only works with empty tables and hence no chance of losing data.

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